Watch out, MACC is watching you

Biblical Mandate

       The mandate in the Bible is clear. It does not condone bribery. 


Exodus 23:8

“You shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of the just.


        Proverbs 29:4 reminds us that God loves integrity in the way we conduct our business. 

He who profits illicitly troubles his own house, But he who hates bribes will live.   


Obvious Trend

        The obvious trend that we see now in Malaysia after Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim took over as the tenth prime minister is the anti-corruption initiative undertaken by the Madani government.

        A month before his ascension on the throne, His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim King of Malaysia also vowed that he would go after all the corrupt people. 

        If you visit the MACC
Corruption Offenders Database, you will notice that the number of pages of offenders have nearly doubled in the past couple of years. 

        The MACC has also made it easy for anyone to lodge a report on corruption. See their portal.

        Almost daily you read news of people being arrested and charged in court for corruption. 

        The so-called Big Fishes are also not spared. Both former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin and his wife face a number of charges. Their assets worth billions of ringgit have been frozen. 

        It is also likely that both former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his children may also be charged in court. 

        People arrested include members of the General Public and those in the Private Sector who give bribes, Public Officials (comprising Top Management, Professional and  Management, Support Staff).

        In short, anyone who gives or receives bribes may be arrested, and charged in court. 

Word of Caution 

        It is God's mandate to begin with the household of the faith or believers.

Galatians 6:10: So then, while we have opportunity, let’s do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.

1 Corinthians 5: 12, 13: For what business of mine is it to judge outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the evil person from among yourselves.

        If your church pulpit has never touched on bribery and corruption, there is no better time than now to preach against it, especially if we do not want to see our brothers and sisters being arrested and charged in court for corruption. 

        If you are just an ordinary Christian, it is time to change your habit of giving in to bribery. Pay the summonses, and avoid breaking the laws. 

        Also watch the videos here:



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