A Useful Tool for Researchers

This is a very useful tool for research students. 

    Last year, I bought iPhone 13 using the Maxis package, paying only about RM100 + a month for three years. I noticed that on Whatsapp, they have "Scan Text." 

    When I decided to click on it, I found it interesting. It is able to recognise text from a printed page. In short, I can now scan any paragraph from a book and save it on my Word document used for Research Notes. 

     To do this, first, you place your phone on top of the paragraph. Not sure if it works with any other Applications, but it certainly does with Whatsapp. When you put your finger, it will show you the option "Scan text." Click on this.

    Make sure that the highlight covers an entire paragraph (or section) and send it to yourself. 

    By installing Whatsapp on your laptop, you can automatically access the text on Whatsapp. Copy and paste the text into your notes. 

    Now, I know some of you may ask how to send Whatsapp to yourself. Well, it's easy. Just create a Chat group with your spouse's number in it.

    Then, remove her number leaving yourself as the only member remaining. Make sure you inform her first before you create the chat group or else she might be wondering why you removed her! 

    Change the title of the chat group to a new name and you can use it to send to yourself. It is basically acting as a Chat Group, but only with yourself in it. 

    To install Whatsapp on your laptop, just go to Playstore and search for Whatsapp. Download and scan the QR code. Automatically you will sync your Whatsapp on your phone and your laptop.

    You may also use onlineocr.net. 

    Or, you can also download OCR Text Scanner app on your phone. I think this is even better because you do not need to buy your iPhone 13.

    You can also scan an entire page instead of short paragraphs. From the backcover of a book:



 I scanned and managed to convert the image file into Text.

This is what I get: 

He forces us all to step beyond our dualism, to move
past giving simple answers to complex questions, and
to be humble in accepting that a brother or sister in
another part of the world might make a decision that
is different from the one we make in another context.
I trust this book will be an inspiration, and a reason for
hope, for all of those called by God to work in a setting
where the path forward is neither easy nor clear.
Albert M. Erisman
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle, Washington, USA
The freedom for the Christian to choose his level
of involvement in society is admirably treated. The
conclusion that true moral transformation of society
cannot be effected unless there is a spiritual revival is
L.T. Jeyachandran
Former Executive Director
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (Asia-Pacific)
This careful essay on bribery and corruption makes a
lot of sense to me. We need to get away from legalism
and formalism and ask "what is the point here?" What
are the values we are trying to protect? Corruption
of justice and fairness? Unloading needed medical
supplies off of a boat? Pleasing the WTO?
David W. Gill


Email: Stephen.Ng.EJ@gmail.com

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